This Town Hall 6 Base has so many intersections and also makes it hard to funnel Dragons into the core. (B) The worst thing that could happen for an attacker with Dragons and Giants. (A) This TH6 base works great against the most popular things that could happen to you – Hog Rider, Giants or Dragons. The ground troops will be held inside the outside ring and it will be hard for them to get to the core. Many still use mass Dragon attacking and you can use this to our advantage. If you want to really help your clan in Clan Wars, you need to make first attackers fail on your base – and with the second Air Defense and a good layout you can easily do that. There are a lot of base layouts out there and on AllClash, but even the best layouts get beaten the longer they are used and the more popular they become – a fresh base design is always a big help. Timmy says many of you search for new base layouts, so he wants to post new base layouts monthly.